Good idea to add that narration as an option at the top! I just listened to both parts while preparing a meal.

I like mysticism and considerations about the East and West, so this was quite enjoyable to me. A Chinese man once said: "In the West, people like to believe there is one single truth, and in the East, people like to believe that there are many truths..."

With the twist ending, I perhaps take it that you are making a point about the potential for technology to help bring us closer to enlightenment?

Well, I take it you are making several points (many truths, and all that...).

Anyway, I liked the ethereal intensity of it -- and the sheer ambition!

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thx a lot for your long comments! That's so sweet, I didn't expect❤️ And you're one of the very few that got my points!👍 I admit that I might be too ambitious, to understand my piece, someone kinda need a bit of both christian and buddhist knowledge, not often seen in the population. My personal view might extend beyond the "potential for technology to help bring us closer to enlightenment". I personally think the "enlightenment" should be more proactive to get to the people if they don't want to lose their "lot" of "faithfuls":) And the Virtual reality including digital games will be the main fighting fields. I did talk with priests and monks😂 and felt that they were a bit "out of touch" but "changes are on the way"😁 (I‘ve been to popes' Sunday services even though I am not christian, I am very curious get to understand them better) Another concept is the Reincarnation in the spiritual worlds (religions included and fantasy's favorite😁). My two main characters here are the reincarnated form of illuminated religious figures. In the footnote, I hinted the original of young monk Huineng. Not sure how much you know about christian (even catholic history), care to guess who would be the "Francesco" before the reincarnation😁 (head up, not the incumbent Pope Francis)

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You're welcome :)

Speaking of mysticism, I think maybe my "soul" has a foot planted in the West and another in the East -- that's probably why I can connect with this in the way I can.

It's interesting that you have both real life experience with priests and with monks!

It's funny, I wouldn't have guessed the story would have a literal meaning -- I guess I'm very symbolically minded. It will be interesting to see if priests and monks can ever figure out VR!

And, my guess for "Francesco" would be Francis of Assisi!

Finally, I want to clarify that I meant the "sheer ambition" as a heartfelt compliment :)

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